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15 Feb

Celebrating Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month

This February, Atchison Transportation Services is proud to celebrate Black History Month. As a time to commemorate the incredible achievements of Black Americans throughout the history of our country, this acknowledgement of culture and heritage continues to educate all Americans on the amazing triumphs of many.

With the popularity of Black History Month rising, there has never been a greater opportunity for Americans to develop an appreciation of the contributions Black Americans have made over the years.

Every American can be inspired—and in some way benefits—from these achievements put in the spotlight over the month of February.

Make Your Celebration Interactive in the Home

There are many ways Americans can celebrate Black History Month this month. One area where stereotypes still reign is around food. Therefore, all Americans would benefit from setting aside some time to enjoy and learn about some of the influence Black Americans made to the cuisine of our country.

For one example, take a look at this article from the Today Show discussing over 50 recipes from Black chefs that feature influences from regions of the world like West Africa, the Caribbean, and more! You can even pick up a copy of the new Black Food cookbook for your home.

Raising up a New Generation of Grateful Americans

There is no doubt the greatest influence on those in the next generation is still the family members currently rearing them. No matter the skin tone, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents have an opportunity to educate those in their care on the contributions made by Black Americans.

Spending time exploring the leaders, legends, and legacies of Black Americans this month will help kids of all ages appreciate their own experience and understand their own potential. One example of a lesser-known name to consider is Rebecca Lee Crumpler. Crumpler was the first Black woman in the US to qualify as a doctor and opened her own clinic in Boston to treat people who lived in poverty.

Another name to know is Claudette Colvin. Take some time to read up on her story and learn how it inspired another icon of Black History we all know today.

It is near impossible for any American to not be inspired by these incredible stories of bravery and determination in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. Therefore, we encourage you to celebrate Black History alongside us!